Saturday, July 10, 2010

New evidence for quantum Darwinism found in quantum dots

New evidence for quantum Darwinism found in quantum dots: "New evidence for quantum Darwinism found in quantum dots
May 10, 2010 By Lisa Zyga New evidence for quantum Darwinism found in quantum dots


These images show a recurring scar found in simulations that bears a strong resemblance to experimental images. Scars were found to replicate and produce offspring states in agreement with quantum Darwinism. Image credit: A.M. Burke, et al. �2010 APS.

( -- Physicists have found new evidence that supports the theory of quantum Darwinism, the idea that the transition from the quantum to the classical world occurs due to a quantum form of natural selection. By explaining how the classical world emerges from the quantum world, quantum Darwinism could shed light on one of the most challenging questions in physics of the past century."

Future of Life- Evolutionary Thrashing and Social Chaos

Future of Life- Evolutionary Thrashing and Social Chaos: "Future of Life- Evolutionary Thrashing and Social Chaos
Friday, 09 July 2010 11:31
Written by David Tow

David Hunter Tow
David Hunter Tow- Director of the Future of Life Research Centre, forecasts that society may be on the cusp of social chaos triggered by ‘Evolutionary Thrashing’, which could result in major social breakdown for many decades.

According to David Tow, the ‘evolutionary thrashing’ phenomenon occurs when the rate of change in a system’s environment exceeds its capacity to effectively adapt or evolve, before again being overwhelmed by the next wave of change.

At the biological level this can result in an organism’s inability to reach its optimal potential, making it less fit and more susceptible to extinction. This is currently occurring on the planet at an unprecedented rate. Many species are finding it increasingly difficult to adapt to the continuous changes in their habitat resulting from global warming and human destruction, with a quarter of vertebrate species predicted to become endangered or extinct by 2050."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Print Page - Emergent Complexity Theory and the Anarchist Approach

Print Page - Emergent Complexity Theory and the Anarchist Approach: "Ants are not the deft little erectors, foragers, and soldiers people think they are. Actually they are quite inept at all of the skills people laud over them. Ants are not clever and quick, but ant colonies are."