Thursday, November 24, 2011

10 New Ways to Peer Inside The Human Mind: Scientific American

10 New Ways to Peer Inside The Human Mind: Scientific American: With 100 billion neurons and trillions of synapses, your brain spins neural webs of staggering complexity. It propels you to breathe, twitch, and butter toast, and yet we remain largely ignorant of how the brain does even these simple tasks—let alone how it stirs up consciousness.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Carl Jung � Footnotes to Plato

Carl Jung � Footnotes to Plato: Jung (Liber Primus, iii(v)):

“The meaning of events is the supreme meaning, that is not in events, and not in the soul, but is the God standing between events and the soul, the mediator of life, the way, the bridge and the going across. My soul is my supreme meaning, my image of God, neither God himself nor the supreme meaning. God becomes apparent in the supreme meaning of the human community.”

Friday, November 18, 2011

Materialists Beware: The First Gene Defends a Strictly Scientific, Non-Materialist Conception of Biological Origins - Evolution News & Views

Materialists Beware: <i>The First Gene</i> Defends a Strictly Scientific, Non-Materialist Conception of Biological Origins - Evolution News & Views: Likewise, the field of ProtoBioCybernetics "specifically explores the often-neglected derivation through 'natural process' of initial control mechanisms in the very first theoretical protocell." (p. 1) Thus, the subtitle is "The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control."