Thursday, May 19, 2011

Capitalism Versus Science | In Defence of Marxism

Capitalism Versus Science | In Defence of Marxism The governments of the world clearly recognize this as a problem; every time they are met with a serious crisis, they throw their free-market ideals out the window and turn to the public sector. It has been argued many times that World War Two was won by nationalization and planning. Capitalism in Britain was essentially put on hold, so that the war effort could be effectively organized. In the United States, such large scale nationalization did not take place, but when it came to research and development, the private sector was not trusted to handle it on their own.

Chaos, Science and Marxism | In Defence of Marxism

Chaos, Science and Marxism | In Defence of Marxism
The tendency to self-organisation in nature is only the basis for consciousness, which can reach perfection only in a liberated, socialist society, conscious of all of society’s needs.