Monday, January 20, 2014

Turning scientific consensus into development policy - SciDev.Net

Turning scientific consensus into development policy - SciDev.Net

"There are obvious differences between developed and developing countries in the extent to which science policy and governancecontribute to progress, and in how successfully this has been done. But how can we best go about using science to ‘invent the future’?"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

African Technology Policy Studies Network | Recent News

African Technology Policy Studies Network | Recent 

"ATPS Board Member, Prof. Turner Isoun, launches a book: “Why Run Before Learning to Walk? Reflections of High Technology as a Strategic Tool for Development in Nigeria”. In this book, which is a must-read for all development practitioners, especially those interested in sustainable development in the developing and emerging economies, Prof. Isoun reflects on high technology support by necessary appropriate systems is the answer to Africa’s development struggle; drawing on his outstanding expertise in STI and also his long years of service as Honourable Minister for Science and Technology in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The book demonstrates that STI-led development is a leadership endeavour, and why investments in STI ought to be the priority policy goal for policy makers in the developing world."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Just Transitions: Explorations of Sustainability in an Unfair World: Mark Swilling, Eve Annecke: 9789280812039: Books

Just Transitions: Explorations of Sustainability in an Unfair World: Mark Swilling, Eve Annecke: 9789280812039: Books

"The book considers the theme of a just transition, which reconciles the sustainable use of natural resources with a pervasive commitment to sufficiency (where overconsumers are satisfied with less so that underconsumers can secure enough). It explores a range of different viewpoints and ideas and synthesizes them to illuminate new ways of thinking from a sustainability perspective. It rethinks development with special reference to the greening of the developmental state, explores the key role that cities could play in the transition to a more sustainably urbanized world, and highlights the neglect of soils in the global discussions around the potential of sustainable agriculture to feed the world."

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reality ain't that real!

Again, our physical material reality really ISN’T physical at all. The meaning, significance and implications of these findings within our quantum world have led to a plethora of ideas and theories, some of which lay inside the label of “pseudo-science.” This article will present scientific evidence that clearly shows the connections between consciousness and what we call reality and how these can no longer be denied. It will also ponder the implications of this knowing, and how this realization plays an important role in the potential transformation of our planet, at a time when we need it the most. - See more at: