Monday, August 31, 2009

Future of The Web- Will Web 5.0 Take Control?

Future of The Web- Will Web 5.0 Take Control?: "Web 5.0- the Wise Web, is still in shadow play, but it’s definitely coming. It’s signature is written large in research labs across the planet, where everything from human behaviour, emotions, decision-making, network science, brain cognition and automated learning is being funded.

What’s emerging is a more complete understanding of human nature, consciousness and creativity and what it takes to replicate this essence in an alternate system.

Web 5.0 will scoop up all this new knowledge and the intelligence offered by Webs 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 and deliver it in an ethical, self-aware and sentient framework, embedding all biological and artificial life within a global cooperative intelligence.

The Wise Web will mark the beginning of a new threshold in human civilisation- a new form of global consciousness- in which all life will be embedded.

All critical decisions affecting our planet and life, including those relating to global warming, sharing vital resources and the ethical resolution of conflict and human rights, will be guided by this global intelligence.

We desperately need a new paradigm in the 21st century. Our decision-making processes are seriously flawed- so flawed that they threaten our very existence- world wars, multiple genocides, the threat of nuclear weapons, ongoing malnutrition for millions, unstoppable global warming and now the collapse of the global economic system.

This isn’t a good roadmap for survival.

At its best, Web 5.0 promises redemption for the human race.

At its worst it offers a seductive but slippery slope straight to the Borg."

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